Welcome to KasLand

The first community game developed on the Kaspa BlockDAG!

Game Statistics

zKaspa Production


Energy Production


Energy Consumed


Kaspa to Redistribute


Number of Inhabitants


Game Mechanics

Parcels & Buildings

With KAS, buy and improve your parcel with different types of buildings, from small houses to mining farms. Improve your parcel's yield.

Variants and Rarity

Each parcel has a rarity, from basic to mythic, influencing production. Rarity is defined at purchase.

Dynamic Economy

The number of energy and zKaspa producers directly influences global production. Participate in a dynamic economy.

Resource Management

Inhabitants must balance energy and zKaspa production at a global level to maximize their gains. Every player matters.

Random Events

Unexpected events influence zKaspa and energy production and other parameters, just like in real life.

Community Redistribution

A portion of KAS is redistributed to inhabitants based on accumulated zKaspa. Another portion will support Kaspa projects. Join our Discord to decide KasLand's future.